With over 15 years of experiences in Graphic Design, Interactive Design, Project Management and Business Analysis. We combined our Design & IT expertise with client's requirements to come up with the final result. We always focused on the end users (Customer centric) to create the work that most support their needs.
sorapol@ideamixer.com 0818046886

airline & Transportation
Our major clienT list
- Thai Airways
- Ruangchaikij Oil & Truck Co., Ltd.

Our major client list
- Daimler Chrysler Singapore
- Toyota Malaysia
- Toyota Thailand
- Peugeot Thailand


our major client list
- Standard Charter Thai
- Bank of Thailand
- Bank Thai
- Kasikorn Bank
- Bangkok Bank
- Negara Bank Malaysia
- Siam City Bank

Our major client list
- Chulalongkorn University
- Narasuan University
- Satit Chula
- Sasia University
- Aiempanit School
- Thatcharin School
“ Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”
Steve Jobs Apple INC.